Saturday, July 21, 2007

Look out world... here she comes!!!

That's right, Naomi is taking the plunge towards walking...

For the past while, she'll walk while holding someone's hand. But recently, she's decided to stand up and take a few steps. After that, she gets a little scared and sits back down.

She knows she's still faster on her hands & knees, but also is figuring out that walking is the next step. It's been a riot watching her figure out her legs. Pretty soon she'll be just as fast as her brother...

Monday, June 25, 2007


Well, the stars must be aligning for Jonah...

For those of you out of the Transformer loop, a new PSP game was made to come out this Summer. Yes, a Transformers PSP game...

Jonah and Ethan went to the store today to look for the game. Problem is, it doesn't come out until tomorrow, June 26th. But...

They checked out another game store and the gentleman working at the time decided he would sell it to them the day before. And it came with a free poster!

So if you're looking to preview the game before it comes out tomorrow, we have it! LOL

Jonah is seriously the luckiest kid I know...

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Tooth time

It's that time... Naomi is working on her 2nd tooth! Her first one started coming in around the first of the month. Shortly after, we started seeing signs of her second one. She seems to be handling it fine... we didn't even really notice until I looked closely one day...

And speaking of teeth...

Jonah had 2 cavities filled yesterday. And he was such a trooper!!! I am so proud of him. He took to the laughing gas just fine and didn't even know he got 2 shots in his mouth. The dentist and assistant were amazed at how well he was doing. And it was probably a good thing that I took him because I think Ethan would have passed out at the sight of his son getting a huge shot in his mouth. I was amazed at how calm he stayed throughout the whole procedure. Now he's all good for at least another 6 months!!!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

The things kids say...

Thanks to Ethan, Jonah has recently become a Jazz fan. And it is the cutest thing to watch... Ethan & Jonah yelling at the TV. And Jonah REALLY gets into it! Yelling things like, "Get the rebound!" or "No foul, ref!" They even have their own 'high-five' during the games... silly boys.

So this morning Jonah decided to draw pictures of the players with their jersey numbers... constantly asking who's number is what, etc. He was even going as far as drawing pictures of the opposing team. Wanting to draw Tracy McGrady, an African-American player, he asked me what he looked like. I told him he was dark-skinned. With that, he responded, "Dark-skinned, huh? So did he have to ride in the back of the bus a long time ago?"

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Children really are sponges!

Yet another reminder of how our children soak in everything we say...

It was my night to do the nightly ritual with Jonah... read books and tuck him in. As we walked into the room, I asked him what book he wanted to read. He started looking at his library of books to see what the book du jour would be. As most of you know, Jonah is a VERY observant and keen little boy. Noticing a book out of place, this is what he had to say about it...

"Mommy, Papa never puts the books back in their place. How come he never puts the books back in their place? Doesn't he know the books don't put themselves back???"

Yes, he must have heard Mommy yammer about Papa not ever return anything to its place.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The surgery was a success!!!

As most know, Naomi had tympanostomy tube placement in both ears... yes, she had tubes put in her ears to help with drainage. The purpose of the tubes is to allow air to be present in the middle ear space. She had a couple ear infections since December. The infections cleared up with antibiotics but she was still holding fluid in her ears. Usually, this is something infants can grow out of, and the tubes just help with the draining. So for most of her infant life, she was hearing sounds unclearly. The feeling is explained as if your ears need to pop... somewhat annoying and uncomfortable. The specialists only concern was that she was holding fluid for a few months now. And without being able to hear clearly, this could impede on her speech. So the obvious route was to have the surgery.

She was an amazing patient. She didn't even cry when the anesthesiologist took her back or when the nurse returned her to me. I've been blessed with pretty mellow, easy-going children. She was back to normal right away. We've just had to monitor her balance as the anesthesia was wearing off, but for the most part, you wouldn't have been able to notice she had the surgery!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

She's on the move!!!

Gone are the days where we were able to plop Naomi on a blanket in hopes she would just sit and entertain herself. Yes, she's officially crawling... and hopping. In an effort to go faster, she has also taught herself to hop on all fours in order to get to where she's going.

She doesn't move very fast, but nevertheless she's moving. Sometimes we catch her moving in circles... which is pretty hilarious to watch!

So look out folks... before we know it she'll be running around and yelling at us.